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Contact us

Eighth Avenue 487, New York 
Phone: +387643932728
Phone: +387123456789


Fashion photographer based between Bali & London


Kinia Podsiadlo is a fashion and art photographer born & raised in Poland. She grew up in a house which encouraged creativity. Her mother’s passion for couture fostered in Kinia a strong desire to find her own artistic path. In her young age she moved to London to pursue her photography career. Kinia’s creative vision blossomed further through formal education, she graduated from West London University with a fist in fashion photography.

With over a decade of experience in the art of photography, Kinia’s portfolio is a testament to her mastery, where each photograph weaves a tale of its own, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in worlds where dreams meet reality. Her artistry is a testament to the boundless possibilities that photography offers in transporting individuals into realms where imagination knows no bounds.

An author of the award-winning book “Creativity is Well Paid”. A selection of her photographs was published in British Vogue, Vanity Fair, Elle Poland Online as well as Vogue Italia Online (photo-vogue).
